Dewey research data partners

Meet the data partners committed to supporting academic research.

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Leverage pass_by's US consumer foot traffic insights with added brand context to study mobility, real estate, retail, brand loyalty, & more.
Browse SafeGraph's fresh and accurate points of interest, building footprint, and consumer behavior data.
View dataplor's global point of interest (POI). Discover detailed business information such as location, business category, and more.
Samba TV
TV viewership & advertisement exposure data for academic research, including content title, timestamp, product info, advertiser brand, DMA, & household details.
Access a reliable, trusted source of historical digital currency exchange data on currencies like bitcoin, ethereum, and litecoin.
Learn more about website visit & organic traffic keyword data for major worldwide brands provided by Similarweb for use in academic research.
People Data Labs
Company insights and workforce data including employee tenure, churn rates, work history, inferred revenue, and more for 28M+ companies worldwide.
Explore US consumer, automotive, & property data with Verisk's risk management analytics and insights.
Explore millions of permit records for residential and commercial projects across thousands of local jurisdictions in the United States.
Browse reliable IP address data, where users can programmatically access the details on any IP address on the Web.
Global Wireless Solutions (GWS)
Discover US mobile app engagement data from a panel of opted-in mobile consumers.
Learn about real estate risk assessment data related to the climate crisis.
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See what other researchers are saying about Dewey

The community has a huge amount of information and assistance available for working with geolocation data. It's been very cool to see all the research and findings coming in, whether they're about COVID or anything else.

Nick Huntington-Klein

Assistant Professor of Economics

Getting access to new and unconventional datasets has completely changed the direction of my research pipeline. Getting access to them on a platform designed for academics is icing on the cake.

Nicholas Hallman

Assistant Professor

Dewey's ability to make data from various vendors available to the academic community is great. The platform makes it easy to quickly discover and explore new datasets, helping me uncover new research topics.

Karen Ton

Assistant Professor, Accounting & Information Systems

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