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WageScape data for academic research

Labor market intelligence data

WageScape (formerly Greenwich.HR), provides next-generation compensation intelligence designed to provide the insights needed in today’s fast-moving, hyper-competitive talent market. WageScape’s Historical Wage Data offers researchers a comprehensive view of the emerging market pay trends and hiring organizations.
Access Types
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Historical Wage Data

Historical wage and salary data organized by job title, company, industry, location, and more. 

Previous 12 months

Current Wage Data

Present day wage and salary data is available for purchase.

Current month
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WageScape Direct (formerly Greenwich.HR) offers the world’s most extensive labor market data set. Composed of millions of sources, including corporate and individual indicators. All integrated into a single dataset. Updated daily and always ethically sourced. Normalized using patented AI technology to fuel world-class analysis and insights.
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