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Commercial Real Estate Listing Data for Academic Research

Commercial real estate property insights

REsimplifi provides commercial real estate listing data to power property-based research into the US real estate market, business site selection, local economic development, and more. Historic real estate listings includes property information, address, owner info, text-based descriptions, and links to street view images and listings brochures.
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Commercial Real Estate Listings

Real estate listings for commercial properties, including detailed attributes related to property type, listing type, listing organization, and even property photos.

United States
2021 - present
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REsimplifi provides complete and accurate commercial real estate property data for site selectors and economic development professionals across the US. REsimplifi continuously sources commercial real estate property data from public and private sources in all 50 states, focusing on quality over quantity and ultimately delivering the nation's most accurate and reliable building and site information available for integrated research.
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