Submit your research dataset

Did you create a dataset that others would benefit from? Share it with Dewey and we'll host it on our platform for others to use. We'll always attribute the dataset back to you.
How does it work?
Once you submit your information using the form above, Dewey will list your dataset on its platform for other researchers to view, access, and use. We'll always attribute the dataset back to you, and you can get feedback on it in our community.
Our goal with these datasets is to increase access to valuable data, not to make money. These user-submitted datasets will always be free to all users. The datasets can also be updated on a cadence that works best for you.
Get feedback in the Community
Dewey's community of faculty, students, and researchers will use the community to discuss the available datasets
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Getting Started

Dewey makes it incredibly easy to share your research data with others. Simple use the form above to provide the required information, and we'll do the rest.
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