Unlock corporate data for your researchers

Dewey is the platform for providing your researchers with access to high-quality third-party data. We work with groups of any size, from small labs to entire departments, to provide researchers with the data they want right when they need it.

Unlimited data access for your students, faculty, & researchers

How does it work?
Dewey works with leading providers of high-quality third-party datasets and brings them to the academic market. We manage all vendor communications and licensing so you can focus on performing groundbreaking research and developing the best courses for your students.
Academics can browse and download datasets from a wide variety of providers, all in one place. Faculty and students can also join our public community to collaborate with over 15,000 academics already using third-party data in their research. Think of Dewey as your group’s own library of third-party corporate data, complete with resources to make sure they're successful.
Provide your faculty and students with the best research data
Remove barriers to data access for your students and faculty
Help unlock new research opportunities by introducing more researchers to never-before-used datasets
Generate buzz about your university’s research among top researchers in an active community
Connect your students with other data users to network and ask for help
Simplify data sourcing and licensing
Offload the time-consuming work of interacting with individual data vendors and navigating data usage agreements
Leverage one unified platform for all of your university’s data sourcing and delivery
Reduce the time your researchers spend on grant proposals and expedite their path to conducting actual research
Academic-friendly pricing for high quality third party datasets that are traditionally more expensive and inaccessible
The community has a huge amount of information and assistance available for working with geolocation data. It's been very cool to see all the research and findings coming in, whether they're about COVID or anything else. "
Nick Huntington-Klein
Assistant Professor of Economics
Getting access to new and unconventional datasets has completely changed the direction of my research pipeline. Getting access to them on a platform designed for academics is icing on the cake."
Nicholas Hallman
Assistant Professor
Dewey's ability to make data from various vendors available to the academic community is great. The platform makes it easy to quickly discover and explore new datasets, helping me uncover new research topics."
Karen Ton
Assistant Professor, Accounting & Information Systems

Getting Started

Onboarding is simple. Our contracts are straightforward and "academic ready" so we won't waste time on redlines. We even offer free trials for large teams.
Ready to empower more innovative research?
Get in touch
Connect with other researchers
Join the Dewey community to collaborate with over 15,000 other faculty, students, and researchers.
Join the community

Dewey empowers data access for thousands of researchers from universities around the world

Unlock corporate data for your researchers

Dewey is the platform for providing your researchers with access to high-quality third-party data. We work with groups of any size, from small labs to entire departments, to provide researchers with the data they want right when they need it.

Unlimited data access for your students, faculty, & researchers

Safe Graph
People Data Labs
Context Analytics
Live Data

How does it work?

Dewey works with leading providers of high-quality third-party datasets and brings them to the academic market. We manage all vendor communications and licensing so you can focus on performing groundbreaking research and developing the best courses for your students.

Academics can browse and download datasets from a wide variety of providers, all in one place. Faculty and students can also join our public community to collaborate with over 15,000 academics already using third-party data in their research. Think of Dewey as your group’s own library of third-party corporate data, complete with resources to make sure they're successful.

Provide your faculty and students with the best research data

Remove barriers to data access for your students and faculty

Help unlock new research opportunities by introducing more researchers to never-before-used datasets

Generate buzz about your university’s research programs among top researchers in an active community

Connect your students with other data users to network and ask for help in their research endeavors

Simplify your data sourcing and licensing

Offload the time-consuming work of interacting with individual data vendors and navigating data usage agreements

Leverage one unified platform for all of your university’s data sourcing and delivery

Reduce the time your researchers spend on grant proposals and expedite their path to conducting actual research

Academic-friendly pricing for quality third party datasets that are traditionally more expensive and inaccessible

Ready to empower more innovative research?

Onboarding is simple. Our contracts are straightforward and "academic ready" so we won't waste time on redlines. We even offer free trials for large teams.

See the latest from researchers using Dewey data partners

See how other researchers are using data from Dewey partners, then sign up to get access to the same data.

Data provided by

The Road to Web 3.0: Empirical Insights into Full Node Workload in the Bitcoin Blockchain

Data provided by

How Are Insurance Markets Adapting to Climate Change? Risk Selection and Regulation in the Market for Homeowners Insurance

Data provided by

Assessing potential benefits of visits to neighborhoods with higher tree canopy coverage using mobility data: Associations with cardiovascular health outcomes in twenty US metropolitan areas

Data provided by

Perception Shapes Reality: How Views on Financial Market Correlation Affect Capital Availability for Cyber Insurance