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Capology for academic research

Football club salary data for academics

Capology empowers transparency in the football industry by providing comprehensive financial data. Capology's salary data for the English Premier League is included in the Dewey subscription, and salary data for the other leagues are available for purchase.
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English Premier League Salary Data

The English Premier League salary data includes 10 consecutive years of player salaries from the 2013/2014 season to the 2022/2023 season, including basic player attributes, gross and net salary estimates, and estimates adjusted for inflation.

United Kingdom


Professional Football Salary Data

Player salary data from 31 leagues is available to purchase. This includes basic player attributes, gross and net salary estimates, and estimates adjusted for inflation for multiple global leagues.



Professional Football Finance Data

Football club financial data from more than 15 leagues. This includes up to 10 years of standardized financial statements, specifically the P&L and Balance Sheet, for every club, subject to availability.


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Capology is committed to empowering transparency in the football industry. They specialize in providing comprehensive data on player salaries and club financial statements, offering a unique insight into the financial dynamics of world football. By democratizing access to this crucial information, they aim to foster a more open and fair beautiful game. Capology has 31 leagues of salary coverage and 35 leagues of financial coverage.
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