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BrightQuery Company data for academic research

Accurate, audited, & verified company data

BrightQuery provides rich datasets containing information about all taxpaying companies in the US, including firmographics, financials, credit risks, payroll, employee benefits, & more.
Access Types
Free Samples

Public Employment Data

Monthly employment and payroll data along with firmographics including industry classifications and geographic levels.

2010 - Present

New Company Formations Data

New legal entity filings trended monthly, available at the nationwide and state level.

2010 - Present

Company Death Rates

Company exit rates by sector and employment size for companies who have not reported any economic activities for over two years.

2010 - Present

Banking & Economic Data

Statistical data banking including all US based companies with full time employment, segmented by revenue size and age.

2010 - Present
Explore research using 
BrightQuery (“BQ”) produces private and company data for all 42 million active US companies. Utilizing government filings only to produce a comprehensive view of all US legal entities and businesses in terms of employment and payroll, core financials, firmographics, benefits, organizational tree, and stock filings.
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